If, following this initial discussion, you feel that your chances are bright, forge ahead with all speed and let nothing deter you from construction of the partnership and enjoyment of the inestimable benefits to be derived therefrom. For those homosexuals fitted for this way of life no greater satisfaction can be found than in a relationship composed of love, trust and happiness bringing with it that for which we all search-security and peace of mind. Once the initial step has been taken put all doubts and thoughts of failure out of your mind. Believe implicitly that the partnership is bound to succeed-and then take whatever steps are necessary to ensure that success.
When two comparative strangers move in together it is almost mandatory that petty annoyances will arise from time to time. The desirability of settling these matters in a mature and adult fashion cannot be overemphasized. Of equal importance is the need to settle differences with all possible speed. To quote an old saw: "Never let the sun set on a quarel." A frank talk at the start will usually prevent a minor disagreement from spreading until out of hand. Certainly, brooding, sulking or the nursing of injured pride will do nothing but compound whatever trouble already threatens the partnership. Remember if two human beings can involve themselves in a disagreement of some sort they are equally able to extricate themselves. There are few problems that cannot be satisfactorily solved by calm discussion and the application of reason and common sense.
I suggest you think of yourselves as one from now on. Individually you earn, say, $75.00 per week-you now have an income of $150.00. You each were paying $100.00 per month for rent-your rent bill is now halved and the difference can go into a joint savings account. With a total income
of $600.00 per month it should be easy enough to save at least $200.00 -enough in a year for a down-payment on your own home. Naturally, one cannot buy a home and a new car and take costly vacations at one and the same time. It may, indeed, be necessary to make sacrifices to get that down-payment-but what a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction is yours when you look around your own home and realize that by working together you have been able to achieve a goal that, on your own, would have been unattainable!
If your ambitions tend toward acquiring your own home some day, it would be well to plan accordingly from the beginning. If, for example, have the cash on hand with which to purchase a needed vacuum cleaner, consider the advantage of credit buying. Make a down-payment and arrange to pay the balance monthly; make one or two payments and then pay off the balance. You will acquire, in the process, a valuable credit reference and if you repeat this procedure with everything you buy you will soon have a number of such references that are worth their weight in gold and will prove of inestimable value when you want (if necessary) to borrow a substantial sum of money for home purchase or the establishment of a business. Credit references can similarly be obtained from banks and loan companies by borrowing and keeping the money for a month or two and then repaying it. The few dollars in interest is money well invested.
There is little reason why any two men or women cannot be living in a home of their own within a year or two (mortgaged, no doubt, but their own). A sufficiently large down payment usually means only one mortgage and this can easily be carried at a monthly rate not exceeding the rent in a decent apartment. Only instead